How Does Golding Show Leadership In Lord Of The Flies

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Order, organization, and leadership are key goals to being a great leader. William Golding creates Lord of the Flies, a story of a group of boys who have been stranded on a island with no adult superiority, leaving them to defend and care for themselves. Even with no adults around to tell them what’s wrong or right they still need a leader to direct them. Ralph one of the oldest of the boys is the one who displays the most, order, organization, and leadership skills is elected at leader of the group. Ralph has an ego, and ego is a person who the executive of the personalty controlling the ID and the superego. He keeps a balance, which is which he displays the characteristics of a leader. Ralph displays order, organization, and Leadership by keeping things in order setting orders for the boys, giving specific jobs to people, and by showing rational leadership skills. …show more content…

It is seen in the beginning of the book when they first are stranded on the island that Ralph is the one who is appointed leader of the group by the boys because he sets things in place right for them to be rescued. Ralph right away sets things into place for the boys to be rescued by calling for an assembly, and setting orders for himself and the boys. one wise thing Ralph does is he appoints Jack who has desire for power, and he makes him the leader of the hunters, knowing that if jack is the leader of something there won’t be as much tension, because Jack wants to be the leader overall. In the book Lord of the flies Ralph… Another great thing is he lets piggy be in charge of knowing who all the boys are and keeping intact of where they are. Ralph knows that piggy is the smartest of them all, and he is at best of keeping track of those types of

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