How Does Golding Present Simon As A Religious Figure In Lord Of The Flies

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In the novel Lord Of The Flies, William Golding shows the character of Simon as a Religious figure by comparing him to Christ. Within his life, Jesus treated children with great kindness as he believed “heaven belongs to [them]” (Matthew 19:14). Simon treats children kindly in the same manner, such as when he “pulled the choicest [fruit and] passed back down to the [children]” (56). Simon seems to be the only biggun who cares at all about the little kids. He is the only one who feeds them or even pays attention to them. Through the treatment of the littluns, Golding is able to reveal to the reader how evil man is. The boys from Jack’s tribe, the evil tribe, repeatedly demean the littluns by joking about killing them, kicking over their sand castles, and even …show more content…

He shows himself to be pure and sinless by praying with children after his disciples try to turn them away. Both Simon and Jesus reveal themselves to be morally better than others through their treatment of children. Another similarity between Jesus and Simon is the fact that they are both killed for trying to spread the good news, for Jesus that news was that he was the son of God, and for Simon it was the fact that “[t]he beast was harmless and horrible“ (147). After Simon speaks with the Devil, he knows that he has a duty to tell the others that the beast does not really exist except in each one of the boys. Once he gets down to the beach though, the boys mistake him for the beast and violently tear him limb for limb. The irony is that the other boys kill Simon because they believe he is the beast, yet Simon is the only boy with no beast in him. Simon never murders a pig or another boy, his purpose was only to share his knowledge so the others could be enlightened like he was, but in the end the boys kill him and never learn the truth about the beast, that it is really just the evil devil inside them. Jesus, too, was killed for trying to educate

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