How Does Glucose Affect The Loss Of Sugar In Our Diet?

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If we minimize our sugar intake and paid attention towards the nutrition facts and the ingredients that are put in our foods, we would live a healthier life. Sugar in our diet is also called carbohydrate composed of fructose and glucose. Glucose and Fructose are mainly in all sweeteners. We need to pay attention to the hidden sugars on the ingredients label; there could be extra sweeteners after “sugar” on the ingredients label, Ex. Corn syrup, Molasses. Sugar causes cancer cells to grow tooth decays, obesity, heart disease, Alzheimer, etc. Glucose is used as energy to transport material within our body; fructose causes problems in the body. Sugar are absorbed by our body really fast, when the sugar within is not used for energy it starts to form layers of fat around the liver. Cancer cells consume glucose cells as its energy, which makes cancer cells to grow. Our natural feel-good brain chemical is the neurotransmitter, serotonin. Sugar boosts the serotonin level in our brain. …show more content…

But, the huge problem with this is that sooner or later the body cuts back serotonin production, it will cause a slight to serious depression. Just by not having a sugary substance, you’ll experience mood swings, unhappiness, irritability and other negative symptoms. Sugar is everywhere in the supermarkets, mostly in every products you can find. The obvious products like; Pop and Chocolate Bars, We know right away that there is sugar in those products, but there are some products we surprisingly wouldn’t expect to have sugar in it, like; canned soup and spaghetti

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