How Does George Orwell Use Power In Animal Farm

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Imagine a life where a person had no say in things, where life was in full throttle. In the book Animal Farm written by George Orwell, he saw how the Russian revolution was a dark and impactful period of our time. Orwell made power stand out in his book, he saw how power was misused during the Russian revolution. George Orwell took his knowledge of the Russian Revolution and broke it down with farm animals to get the point across easier, he gave us a look at what life was probably like back in the time. The book Animal Farm, power played a vast part in this story. The leader that showed this was Napoleon. He was a harsh and cruel leader, who didn't care about others. Napoleon played a big role in this story. He was the definition of a dictator, after running out snowball he became leader. He was a strict and cruel leader who didn’t care about his reasonability and his animals. "They were always cold, and usually hungry as well."(62-63) He just wanted things to be done, like the windmill no matter what happened he wanted it to be built. No matter how cold or hungry the animals were he wanted it built. …show more content…

"All that year the animals worked like slaves”.(51) They worked throughout the whole Winter trying to make Napoleon happy. Jobs were not always fair, some animals including the pigs never touched a shovel. Boxer being the hardest worker picked up the slack from other animals. Naplon liked feeling power and control and sometimes worries about snowball coming back, so he continued to make up lies about him. Life was hard for the animals but they just kept going. If the animals tried to rebel or deny Napoleon he would often take away their food or even kill them. Animals started to think about their hope of surviving and their hope about snowball ever coming

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