How Does Frankenstein Make The Right Way To Live

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In April 1817 a legendary novel was completed and published by Mary Shelley. The novel “ Frankenstein” is a scientist named Victor Frankenstein who is creating life from dead corpses and what he did when he created the new life. Victor has made some regretting choices that he should have never made in the first place. Victor abandon the Creature in fear once he saw the Creature come to life. This leads to the Creature learning about life on his own. This also leads to bigger problems like the Creature going on a killing spree and feeling unwanted and lonely. Victor should have stood with the Creature so, he can raise the Creature the right way and show him the right way to live, which is what I would have done. In the beginning of chapter five, Frankenstein creates his Creature in his apartment. Horrified by the Creatures ugly appearance he rushes into the next room trying to sleep. Abandoning the Creature is a horrible idea, he should have stayed with the Creature and explain to the monster why he was created. Showing him that Victor is …show more content…

Through chapters fifteen and sixteen the Creature was so upset by his denial by the Cottage, he decides to swear revenge on all humans. This creates a huge problem for Victor because now whoever the Creature kills is on him because he created him. This leads to the death of Victor’s brother William and best friend Henry. If Victor was to raise the Creature on his own this could've been prevented. Now dealing with the depressing death of his friends Victor thinks about putting an end to the Creature. This isn’t the best thing since Victor wants to now destroy his Creature. The Creature makes a deal with Victor stating if Victor creates a companion for him, he will stop killing and leave him alone. Victor will now be in a sticky situation where he may have to create another creature or have the monster keep

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