How Does Fate Affect Romeo And Juliet

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Attempting To Change Negative Fate Results In Deaths
Romeo and Juliet is a well-known Shakespearean love story about two “star crossed lovers,” Romeo and Juliet with predetermined fate. Romeo and Juliet’s feuding families were part of their fate, this feud interfered with their love and ended it in death. Throughout the play Romeo and Juliet attempted to change their fate, however their attempt to change fate resulted in failure. Shakespeare also uses foreshadowing to give an idea of how their actions will affect them. In this essay I will explain how the two families feud results in the ultimate fate of Romeo and Juliet and illustrates that attempts at changing one's fate is pointless. In the prologue Shakespeare mentions …show more content…

An example of this is the scene between Tybalt, Romeo and Mercutio in act 3. Mercutio and Benvolio speak with each other about how they should leave the streets of Verona, to avoid a fight, because it is hot outside and brawls between the two families are easily provoked (Benvolio, act 3, scene 1). The three end up in a brawl that results in Mercutio’s, Tybalt's death and the Princes exile for Romeo. Fate brought Romeo, Tybalt and Mercutio together, if fate didn't do this, this event would have never happened. Throughout Romeo and juliet fate brings people together and it usually results in …show more content…

Thy drugs are quick. Thus with a kiss I die (Romeo, act 5, scene 3).” Once Juliet finds Romeo has passed away she could not bear to live without her love Romeo and kills herself. “Yea, noise? then I’ll be brief. O happy dagger! This is thy sheath there rust, and let me die. (Juliet, act 5, scene 3)” Fate played a big role in Romeo's death because Balthazar told Romeo Juliet was “dead,” but little did he know Romeo never received the letter explaining the Friar's plan. That led to Romeo buying poison and killing himself. Fate also played a role in Juliet's death too, she woke up just seconds after Romeo had killed himself, causing her to kill herself because she couldn’t

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