How Does Caravaggio The Abundance With Thorns Analysis

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Though most works of art have some underlying, deeper meaning attached to them, the first impression of their significance comes through the initial visual interpretation. When a work of art is viewed the visual details are the first to be noticed. For example, size, medium, color, line, balance, contrast and overall composition are generally the primary elements seen. Before an artwork can be further examined for greater significance the formal elements must be taken into consideration. The purpose of this particular paper is to discuss and analyze a very interesting piece of biblical art; Caravaggio’s The Crowning with Thorns. This work, presumed to have been created between 1602 and 1604 was created using oil paints on a 127x165.5 cm canvas. …show more content…

Looking at the first principle this image would be considered painterly. The figures are defined with highlights, shadows, and blended colors rather than defined lines. The lack of hard lines and edges would also lead the viewer to perceive the painting as recessional rather than planar. The image gradually blends from foreground to background using overlapping and the angles in which the figures are placed. Figures from this image are not contained within the frame which would mean this is considered an open form work. There is a heavy use of diagonal and vertical lines that radiate in different directions leading out of the picture plane entirely. The open form of this composition creates a dynamic image full of movement and interest. Rather than being comprised of many individual and distinct parts this painting is composed of separate parts that blend seamlessly together. Lastly we have relative clarity. The figures and actions in the image would not be able to stand alone yet work well as a whole. Everything represented throughout the composition joins together to tell a clear

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