How Does Big Brother Control The Present In The Book 1984 By George Orwell

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In the book 1984, George Orwell demonstrates that a society can turn into a totalitarian regime if a Dictator such as Kim Jong Un takes over the nation by manipulating the military, media and government. In 1984 Big brother leads the government to control the past and the future through the manipulation of the present. “Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past” (Orwell, 37) this is exemplified through the manipulation of social values and beliefs through the revision of history. Big brother controls society, the party eliminates the teaching of the past; the party re-writes history to help them control the future. Some may argue that there is still hope and there are people out there who have the thoughts of freedom to change the nation to a better place. While Big Brother controls society, Emmanuel Goldstein represents an opposing force. The freedom that Goldstein is advocating works directly against Big Brother. Leon Trotsky …show more content…

“ It was therefore necessary to rewrite a paragraph of big brother’s speech, in such a way as to make him predict the thing that had actually happened.” (Orwell,41) Related to Adolf Hitler as he used his speeches to inform the people their country needed to get better, Kim Jong Un also creates speeches to create support in the military and its citizens and for future leadership. Most of the people believe In Kim Jong Un’s speeches because they are referring to the future of the country and the greatness it will have. People will continue to follow and believe Big Brother if all of his predictions come true, by analyzing the future of it. During hate week the proles shout out anger to their enemies to let out all of those emotions which have been created by Big brother’s control. The following is an example of how Big Brother controls the

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