How Do Volcanoes Affect The Environment

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Molten rocks pouring from faults in the earth’s surface causing massive shivers in the crust and deadly clouds in the sky. Volcanoes cause a lot of damage both to our environment and to ourselves. The damage one eruption causes is massive. Volcanoes don’t erupt very often on land, but in the water there are thousands that explode every year. These underwater eruptions can sometimes grow so big they break the surface of the water and create islands like Hawaii. The clouds of ash created through these eruptions start out deadly and can overload your lungs but after they have settled they create extremely fertile soil.

When a volcano erupts it exerts lava or molten rock from underground through cracks in the earth’s surface, then the lava cools and creates mini and large mountains. These mountains when they burst they crest a sort of ash that fly’s into the air sickening most living organisms nearby by entering into their lungs and damaging their breathing to the point of death. On top of that there is also lava pouring out of the mountain and destroying everything in its path. After all of the destruction settles the ground can still take a while till it becomes fertile. (McDonaugh 28). As stated in this text “Volcanic eruptions produce deposits of rock and ash in the surrounding area. These deposits are rich in minerals, but the minerals are not immediately available to plants.” (McDonaugh 28) the article continues by saying that it can take thousands of year for the soil to be fertile. …show more content…

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