How Do Phonemes Affect Children

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Target group
The target group for this exercise will comprise children between ages 5-7 years. The purpose of the instruction technique will be to give insights that words are composed of smaller units. This will allow the target group to grasp as phonemes are very conceptual units of language. Most children are accustomed to thinking of words not in terms of their linguistic characteristics but in terms of their meanings. Additionally, children face difficulty in producing a phoneme in isolation. While phonemes are not discrete units, the feature of a phoneme affect those that come before it as well as those that follow it in a word. Children will be required to recognize rhymes and rhyme words. They will also be required to blend phonemes and split syllable as intermediate-level tasks. The most challenging phonemic awareness tasks will involve completely segmenting the phonemes and manipulating them to form different words. Overall, the technique will aim at enabling children …show more content…

The letter-sound matching aids children in moving from hearing the sounds, to matching the sounds with appropriate letters. The same procedure will be used. However, a second stretch will be conducted. This time, the children will write into each box a correct letter representing the recognized sound, with help needed. As they internalize the understanding of the alphabetic principle, their need for boxes will reduce and ultimately quench.
Important factors
For each child to benefit from the enhanced visual supports, Elkonin boxes with a picture are more effective. For those children who require help in focusing, having a partner in the form of a stronger reader is important. The partner can read words aloud and give guidance. As a rule of thumb, the activities should not go beyond 15-20 minutes. The words to be used should be chosen from the

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