How Do Cell Phones Cause Cancer

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Every one loves the sound of their phone ringing; it makes them happy to know that they have friends. Cell phones are important in today's society; some would even not know what to do without their devices. They help in peoples every day life, they have a mind-blowing history, but they are also dangerous to your body if you use them too much. They can be used in a life threatening emergency, they go back to 1949, but can also give off radiation to cause brain cancer. Cell phones can either help you or hurt you. So why not learn more about these devices? They can help you in an everyday situation. People usually worry about being safe. Like what if I'm late? What if I get lost? What if I miss the bus? Well a cell phone is a good tool that …show more content…

Cell phones release a wave called radiation, which is a cause of cancer. According to the article National Cancer Institute it states, "Cell phones emit radiofrequency energy (radio waves), a form of non-ionizing radiation, from their antennas. Tissues nearest to the antenna can absorb this energy." Radiofrequency energy is in fact a form of electromagnet radiation. The human bodies adsorb this energy and can be semi- dangerous. Exposure to ionizing radiation, such as from x rays, is known to increase the risk of getting cancer. The most radiation is given off during a phone call. Another problem with cell phones is it can cause serious injuries other than cancer. According to the article The Negative Effects Of Cell Phone Usage English Language Essay, it says, "Texting and driving is the cause of almost 1.3 million car crashes every year." Not only can you get in an accident while texting and driving but cell phones can cause pedestrian accidents as well. While texting or talking on the phone you become less aware of your surrounding so when you go to walk across the street you can easily walk in front on a car and get badly injured. Almost 1,000 pedestrian a year go in the hospital from accidents with cell phones. Cell phones are dangerous and the consequences go anywhere from a giggle to death so be careful next time you look down to check your

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