How Did Wu Ding Rule

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Stephanie Watkins
18 June 2016
Wu Ding ruled from 1250-1192, which was the longest of all Shang kings. The period of Wu Ding was a fruitful time. During the sixth year of his father’s rule, Wu Ding was instructed to live at He and study at Ganpan. He was living with commoners and learned the hardships of a peasant’s life. Wu Ding was a great warrior and was able to defeat many other leaders during his reign. He defeated the Guifang in the north, the Qiangfang in the west, and the Jingman in the south. Wu Ding educated the allegiance of neighboring tribes by marrying one woman from each of them. His favorite consort Fu Hao entered the royal household through marriage and took advantage of the slave community to advance through the ranks to military

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