How Did William Kent Influence Lord Kore

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William Kent has been attributed as the Holkham hall’s architect, who was assisted by the Anglo-Irish architect Richard Boyle, 3rd Earl of Burlington (1694-1753); however there has been a discussion about how much involvement Kent had in the house’s design, something that will be discussed later. William Kent, 1681-1748, was an English architect, who also worked as a landscape architect, painter, and furniture designer. He spent 10 of his formative years studying in Rome, and then he returned to England to form part of Burlington circle. After those years, Kent developed a bold style influenced by the Roman and Central Italian traditions, which were the base to his tendencies in interior decoration and architecture, and he was determined to apply them into England. Holkham Hall was one of the first architectural projects that he worked with Lord Burlington, and Kent’s role and contribution through his designs showed clearly the Roman influence he learned from his trip.
Holkham Hall is a country house that was designed and built during the 18th century, and it is located in the Holkham village, in the Norfolk county of England. The patron of the house was …show more content…

He considered different possible sites amongst the possessions he had in different counties, and finally made the decision in the early 1720s to construct this house in Holkham. One of the reasons that he selected this location was because it offered a great space that will allow the architects freedom of planning. Thomas Coke lost some money in the South Sea Bubble of 1721, and because of it, he had limited money and had to used part of it to made progress in the house’s construction based on priorities; his first available funds were used to establish the grounds and to transform the spacious landscape into the desired setting for the

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