How Did Vrba Show Courage

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Finding Courage After the War
"I escaped to break that belief that it was not possible. And to stop more killings," said Rudolf Vrba. Rudolf Vrba stood up for the rights of others and himself, even while facing persecution. Because of Rudolf Vrba's courage, the world could understand the magnitude of the Holocaust. It's because of Rudolf Vrba, that I realize the importance of being the voice for those who have none.
Even at a young age, Rudolf Vrba experienced the cruelty of exclusion. At the age of fifteen, Vrba was asked to leave his high school and study at home, simply because he was Jewish. A few years later, Rudolf Vrba ripped off the Star of David from his chest. At that moment, Vrba felt the urgency to escape from persecution by heading …show more content…

These reports were eventually sent to the British and United States government, the Vatican, the International Red Cross, and the Hungarian-Jews. Through these sketches, Rudolf Vrba displayed great moral courage. Rudolf Vrba and Alfred Wetzler provided the first eyewitnesses of the Holocaust. Because of Rudolf Vrba's courage, some 100,000 individuals were saved from persecution of Nazi Germany (Martin). Even after experiencing the horrific events of the Holocaust, Rudolf Vrba still felt the need to inform those uneducated about the …show more content…

Specifically, both men felt that everyone should be treated the same. For Rudolf Vrba, he believed that everyone has the same rights and values, no matter the religion. Martin Luther King Jr. felt that everyone was created equally under God and that everyone deserves to be respected, no matter the color of their skin. Both men tried to educate as many people as possible, even at the expense of risking their lives. Despite being persecuted by others, both Rudolf Vrba and Martin Luther King Jr. expressed their ideas in a peaceful way. It could have been very easy for Vrba and King Jr. to fight back in violence. Instead, both men remained calm. When dealing with personal problems, all of us can look at Rudolf Vrba and Martin Luther King Jr. for

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