How Did The Ottoman Empire Lead To The Fall Of The Ottoman Empire

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The political plus military factors of fall, it is often hard to isolate one exact element as the main reason of decline. But as the Ottoman Empire’s system was so reliant on the sultan for stimulating and guide it as well as keep it as one and since collapse was, indeed, accompanied with serious elements of corruption within the organization of the sultanate and the persons holding the sultanate office, one can suppose that this was, certainly, the key to fall. Even during the glorious days of the rule of Suleyman there was decline. Maybe it was a lot to expect that the Ottoman Empire or any empire could maintain a constant series of able sultans such as the sultans who had made the empire. Conversely, because so much reliant on the personality of the sultan, a single weak sultan was enough for opening the doors to a sequence of nonentities and incompetents. The majority members of the feudal Sipahis and the Kapikulu corps married, left the garrisons, became estate owners, artisans, or merchants, abandoned military training jointly, and kept their groups memberships just for the pri...

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