How Did Slavery Expand And Connect The World Today

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Slavery was necessary to expand and connect the world. Slavery has an enormous impact on the world today, and at the time it was necessary to connect the world at the pace it was connecting. Without slavery humans would have taken a longer time to connect and develop all the land and everything today. Slavery fueled expansion and colonization, it sped up the process. Looking at the world today, it would not be the same if slavery and the slave trade never took place. Slavery is immoral and a horrible thing, but it made the world what it is today. If it were to never had happened civilization would never be the same. Slavery was a huge factor in global colonization and was the backbone to the modern world. During the time of the slave trade, enormous amounts of gold valuables and slaves rushed through europe, leading to its current day economy (Internet). Countries directly involved in the trade, like Portugal, used the slaves they were acquiring, for textiles and weapons, to expand and make plantations in the “New World.” The Portuguese …show more content…

Around fifteen million Africans were captured and sold to slave transporters to be taken to the Americas (internet). These people were being taken from their homes and villages, where they were needed the most. Along with the mass number of people taken, most of the slaves were the strongest and fittest of people around. With the deflated population it was difficult to keep up their production of crops, and it caused a ripple effect on the families and religions. So many people were taken, so the family structure changed drastically and religions changed. Traditions were lost and replaced by the missionaries, islamic people, other outside people coming in to take the land. Villages and kingdoms fell more and more often when most of the best soldiers were taken and guns started to play a more key role in their battles. If it were not for slavery, Africa might not be known as the “third world continent” it is present

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