How Did Roger Williams View On Civic Duty

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History Report

In 1631 two great men came to the New World. One man was John Eliot, he was minister who came to seek refuge and religious freedom and also as a missionary to convert the natives to Christianity. The second man was Roger Williams who was also a minister, he came to the new world because he wanted to reform The Church of England and when he understood that it was not happening he left his homeland. Both of these men shared different and similar views on civic duty (CD). Civic Duty is the duties or obligations a person has toward his/her society (or community). Although some may think John Eliot and Roger Williams are very similar with their deeds and views on civic duty many including myself think that that they share different ideals for example John Eliot’s main goal was to convert them to christianity and Roger Williams goal was to understand the Natives. …show more content…

John Eliot was a missionary and he tried to convert the Native Americans to Christianity and when they refused they’d slaughter and take \their land while Roger Williams respected them and sought to understand their culture. Roger Williams felt that he needed to create a church in the New World if England could not reform its church and separate its church from state.(Gaustad 4). Roger Williams also protected Indians who would not give up their land to the English, as he thought they deserved respect. John Eliot translated the bible into the Indians’ language so they could see who Jesus Christ is (Jarvis 60). He also felt it was his duty to teach the Indians about the rest of the world(Jarvis

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