How Did Rene Descartes Influence Western Philosophy

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Rene Descartes is a famous mathematician and philosopher who believed in his own quote which was “I think therefore I am”. Many thought of Descartes as the “father of modern day philosophy.” He made algebra and geometry easier for people to understand by adding shapes to them. He wrote a book called “Discourse On The Method”, which was about him learning more about himself. He didn’t accept what previous philosophers had done; rather he wanted to learn about things himself. Galileo Galilei was an Italian astronomer who contributed greatly to the knowledge we have about science. He was known as the “father of modern science” and he studied the stars with a device that he perfected, called the telescope. The telescope is still used till today, …show more content…

One of his many works of literature was called the “Two Treaties on Government.” This novel talked about men having rights, which are “life, liberty, and property” and that the government must protect these rights. Locke studied medicine at Oxford University. After fulfilling his dream of becoming a doctor, he went to London to work for his close friend Lord Ashley. Locke’s works inspired French writer Voltaire, and many more young students. The Napoleonic wars were many different battles between leader of France, Napoleon, and European countries. Napoleon brilliantly conquered many sections of Europe, which helped make France’s military become known as one of the best in the world. Napoleon fought many battles but lost a few. His people loved him as a leader and wanted him to remain in power. Years later the conquered European nations took back all the land they lost and gained more at the Congress of Vienna. Napoleon is still remembered today for having one of the best war tactics in history, and for leading his population …show more content…

The Persian War started because the Greeks living under the Persian Empire were unhappy with the taxes that they had to pay. Because of these taxes Greece sent naval ships to Persia to help the Greeks. The king of Persia, Darius, was upset and wanted to seek revenge on Greece. Greece won the war because of a boy named Phidoodies, which ran 26 miles to warn the Greeks of the attack planned by Persia. This war changed the world because as the weaker country defeated the stronger country, the world had to adapt to the new cultures and beliefs of the now stronger

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