How Did Religion Influence Colonial America

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Before the Revolutionary War, religion and politics could go hand in hand. America, also known as The New World, was thought to be an escape. The freedom of religion was quite a big attraction of the New World. The colonies who came here from England wanted mainly to escape and be free from the religious beliefs of the Anglican Church and Catholic Church. The religious beliefs of the people in the colonies heavily influenced their behaviors in the realm of political ideas. There was a freedom of thought that came with America. The freedom of thought came with having this whole New World as a place for the colonists to express beliefs that might have angered or caused a disturbance in England. There was a lot of tension between England and the settlers. The majority of the …show more content…

The monarchy passed laws that forbid the colonies to print and use their own money. This caused a lot of anger and frustration within the colonies. The Stamp Act of 1765 taxed all kinds of printed paper such as newspaper and even playing cards. The colonists finally had enough, so they started rebelling against the new taxes. Instead of listening to the pleas of the colonists, the English monarch imposed more new taxes tea, glass, and paint called the Townshend Act (The Political). The colonies became so frustrated that England had so much control on them that they started rebelling. America could not be unified at this time because of so many differences. The colonies in America were so different from each other. They struggled to be unified together and because of that difference, America became a home of different ideologies about religion and politics. It became a melting pot full of ideas. That was what American culture became and what it still is today, except America is not under the control of another

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