How Did Nintendo Get The Right For Tetris?

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Chapter 13: From Russia with Love Nintendo wanted to adapt its target market to not just sell to young boys, but also young girls too. They even wanted to sell their games and consoles to adults. The company wanted to combine the Game & Watch with the NES. This invention became known as the Game Boy. It was a handheld console that was widely received by everyone, especially adults. Around this time, the game “Tetris” appeared in the form of a coin-operated game. Nintendo and others raced to get the rights to this game so they could claim it for their own (David Sheff, 1999).
Chapter 14: The “Tetris” Song Nintendo made a deal with Tengen for “Tetris” because they thought that Tengen had the rights for “Tetris”, but Tengen did not in fact have them. The Russians who owned the game made several “deals” with different companies but not the deal for the hand-held and coin-operated rights for the game. Nintendo finally met with the creator of “Tetris” and was able to work out an actual deal. Nintendo was given the rights. Tengen did not like this and threatened to sue the Russian company of Elorg for double-crossing their contracts not only once, but twice. Nintendo asserted that it now owned the rights for the game. An investigation into the contracts ensued and Tengen decided to sue Nintendo. …show more content…

They were only a competitor for a small amount of time until it could not win out over the games that Nintendo created. SEGA was not a major competitor until they came out with a higher bit processor. To combat this, Nintendo came out with the Super Nintendo or, SNES. To get this sold, they sold yet another “Super Mario Bros” game. This game was a disappointment to many people. Seeing an opportunity, SEGA came out with the game “Sonic the Hedgehog”. Sony announced its creation of the Play Station. Yamauchi wanted to remain the biggest video game company so they made plans to attach a CD-ROM to the SNES (David Sheff,

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