How Did Mickey Mouse Change The World

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The year 1928 was pivotal for Walt Disney and the rest of society; Mickey Mouse was created and he transformed Disney’s career to where Disney was able to shape pop culture and fill viewers everywhere with childlike wonder. Before the rise of his famous cartoon mouse, Disney struggled to run a successful company; however, he maintained a passion for film that led him to fame. He grew up on a farm with strict parents that did not allow him to play with toys as a child. This is believed to be the source for his avid imagination as an adult and a source for his animal characters. Mickey is easily considered for the most recognized character of all time. It was a unanimous decision; “critics and fans agreed that Mickey Mouse was the most recognized figure in the world. Songs were written about him. Watches had his face on them. He could be found everywhere. Disney was called a genius” ( Business Leader Profiles for Students 13). This single character was so powerful that it jumpstarted Disney’s career and transcended time. A soon to be iconic character made history for Disney. The first feature of Mickey was “Steamboat Willie… [it] was the first synchronized sound cartoon… and [Disney] won an Academy Award in …show more content…

He held leverage over the industry and was able to shape pop culture. The golden age of animation was a time when theatrical animation was at the pinnacle of its popularity. The thirties and forties “are considered the golden age of animation. The Walt Disney Studio dominated the industry during these decades” (“Animators” 5) and started the trend with the emergence of sound cartoons in 1928. His popularity with Mickey Mouse put him in the spotlight allowing him to be a leader in the

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