How Did Martin Luther King Jr Impact Society

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Martin Luther King Jr. vision and duties as a leader impacted our society in major way. Throughout my academic schooling Martin Luther king Jr. was always talked about and referenced to when we talked about the civil rights movement of today’s world in history class. Martin Luther King Jr. was a well-known Civil Rights Activist who was attempting to get rid of discrimination and to bring down the unfair segregation laws. Dr. King was a peaceful activist that promoted integration of the American society. Dr. King was someone with powerful words. There are so many endless quotes that he would say in his many speeches that were in form more powerful than any weapon. Martin Luther king jr’s visions and protests has positively affected society in a substantial …show more content…

His vision has helped more minorities have a voice and helped with world equality. In 1955, Martin Luther King Jr was involved greatly in the Montgomery, Alabama boycott of the city buses. In those times bus companies did not allow African Americans to sit to anywhere on the bus, they had to sit at the back of the bus. Dr. King’s Support and involvement drew lots of attention to the cause and brought so many more supporters around the United States. (Cite) That attention put a lot of pressure on the bus companies all over the south area, which made them examine their polices, and eventually changed them. Now African Americans can sit anywhere a seat is available. Martin Luther King Jr. Has made a positive impact on minorities rights to seat were ever they please. Over the course of the years, many advances were made in the fight for equality. But in 1963, the progress that was initially started in Montgomery was at a standstill. King decided to focus attention on Birmingham, a city famous for its maintenance of segregation laws. ( Cite) Dr. King knew that a victory in Birmingham would be just the push that the movement

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