How Did Martin Luther Affect Society

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Martin Luther affected his society in many ways. Luther affected his society in the 1500s. Martin Luther took part in the Protestant Reformation. Three ways Martin Luther affected society was the Christian religion was fixed and the Lutheran religion was created, published the 95 theses, which criticized the Catholic Church and thanks to Johannes Gutenberg for inventing the printing press, it allowed Martin Luther to post the 95 theses on the Catholic door. Lastly, Martin Luther affected society by translating the Bible into German and writing numerous essays. Martin Luther affected society by fixing the Christian Religion and beginning the Protestant belief. Because of Martin Luther, people deserted the Roman Catholic Church and Luther had …show more content…

He expected to provoke the reform when he hammered his 95 Theses to the door of Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany. If it had not been for Gutenberg's invention, news of Luther's revolutionary ideas would not have been able to spread as quickly as they did. In the 95 Theses, Luther itemized the corruption and he refused to be silenced because the church used its power to promote unintelligence in the masses and raise an abundance of wealth for itself. Forceful altercation followed as Luther continued to attack the breach of trust of the Papacy and supported the translation of the Bible so that people could read it in their own language. In living his censor, Luther changed the world in the 16th century. Lastly, Martin Luther affected society by translating the Bible into German and writing numerous essays. Martin Luther translated the New Testament of the Bible into German. He translated the Bible into German of his native descent. He made the Bible everyone’s book and was used in various places, such as, school, church, and their homes. He was one of the greatest contributors of the German language and

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