How Did Luis De Morales Influence Spanish Art

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Luis de Morales a Spanish painter born in Badajoz, Extremadura in the year of 1509, whose works were primarily religious subjects including his own representations of Madonna and Child and Passion. Morales was influenced by Raphael Sanzio and also the Lombard school of Leonardo da Vinci. Luis de Morales is one of the notable painters of the sixteenth-century Spain. There is a notable difference between artistic ambition and stature and Morales seems to be less important for understanding Spanish art in the same era as El Greco, who had the same feeling of intense spirituality but is done with a very different way. Morales took a more morbid way to show off his devotional paintings, which later let him earn his nickname “El Divino”. Morales …show more content…

Morales, spent his 77 years, creating his religious paintings until his death on May 9th, 1586.
Morales was important to the history of Spanish art because of his way of showing a mental prayer that is showing the religious life of the great Spanish religious figures, such as Saint Teresa of Ávila and Saint John of the Cross.
Morales was divided by the critics of the time into two periods; an early stage of an influence of Florentine artists like Michelangelo but more intense and have more knowledge of anatomy correct in the later periods like the German and Flemish Renaissance painters.
Morales’s is known for his religious paintings, one of them being The Lamentation, an oil on walnut painting, the dimensions being 89 centimeters by 62.5 centimeters that evokes a powerful grievance over Jesus. When looking at this artwork, I was captivated by the drama added with the dark and heavy …show more content…

The Renaissance took its own version of humanism that was derived from the Roman Humanists and the rediscovery of the classical Greek Philosophy, such as the idea that “man is the measure of all things.” The new thinking became evident in art, architecture, politics, science, and literature. Mannerism is considered as the Late Renaissance, encompasses multiple approaches and reacting to the ideas of Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, and early Michelangelo. In the High Renaissance art emphasizes proportion, balance and ideal beauty, Mannerism exaggerates such qualities, which would often result in compositions that are unnaturally elegant. This style is notable for a sophisticated yet artificial quality. There is a favor in instability rather than balance, tension, and clarity in early Renaissance

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