How Did Lucy Stone And Her Impact On Slavery And Women's Suffrage

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Lucy Stone and Her Impact on Slavery and Women’s Suffrage
Lucy Stone was born August 13, 1818, she grew up in a time where slavery was in full swing and women were to be seen not heard. Lucy Stone made enormous efforts to change America and the belief that blacks and women were not equal to white men on every level. She helped pave the way for the rights we have now. She wanted to have equal rights for all and equal pay for men and women.
Lucy Stone made it clear that she was going to be very different than most women of her time. She went to Oberlin College in Ohio, the only college accepting blacks and women at that time. While at Oberlin she started her lifelong career of fighting for blacks and women. It started when she worked at the college as a student teacher. It was the schools policy that women had to do double the work to be paid the same as men. Lucy abided by the policy until she grew tired. She tried to convince the college to give her the same pay as two male colleagues. After the college turned down her request, she quit her job as a student teacher. After months o...

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