How Did Lenin Influence The Russian Revolution

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Vladimir Lenin became the first leader of Soviet Union and was the first communist revolutionary who played a major role in the Russian Revolution. The socialists began the Russian Revolution and created The Socialist Revolutionary party. This created two different groups and ideas; The Bolsheviks and Mensheviks. The Bolsheviks (Reds) won the October Revolution in 1917, led by Lenin. Lenin exemplified the revolution as a seizure of political power by working class. Few years into the revolution, Lenin made some changes. Lenin realized that Russia lacked industry and had to modernize. So, he created the New Economic Policy. If one could travel back in time to early Soviet Russia they would want to go back in time during Vladimir Lenin’s reign because his New Economic Policy …show more content…

Victor Segre states, “... famine and the speculation were diminishing perceptibly. Restaurants were opening again and, wonder of wonders, pastries which were edible on sale as a rouble piece. The public was beginning to recover its breath, and people were able to talk about the return of capitalism,...” (Members of a Revolution) In other words, NEP allowed capitalism in a communist state. This reveals that Lenin's economic policy diminished famine and the people were benefiting from the NEP. The people could now sell their own products and benefit themselves without depending on the country,
Furthermore, one should travel to Lenin’s reign because the New Economic Plan allowed internal trade. According to Walter Duranty, “...NEP was that it allowed the free buying and selling of goods by any individual…” (I Write, As I Please.) In other words, the NEP allowed trade, to some private commerce, and state banks. This allowed for a new middle class to arise such as artisans, professional men, etc. Also, peasants began to rise to middle class. The importance of trading was to develop and make profit from the

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