How Did Kennedy Lose The Cuban Missile Crisis

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In a time when the tension between the U.S. and the USSR was rising to the assassination of John F. Kennedy. From 1947 to 1991 the U.S. was involved in a cold war with the Soviet Union, although there was no direct fighting there was still the threat of nuclear missiles. During the 1960’s the Soviet Union held nuclear missiles in Cuba that were waiting to strike on America. John F. Kennedy and the American government decided they needed a plan to get the missiles out of Cuba. Kennedy decided to try to remove them peacefully through negotiation. On October 26 1962 the U.S. received a letter from Nikita Khrushchev, leader of the USSR, that the Soviet Union wanted to remove the nuclear missiles to prevent an all out nuclear war. This peaceful end only came because of John F. Kennedy, but if the assassination attempt on Kennedy in 1960 was successful, than Lyndon B. Johnson would have been president. If Lyndon B. Johnson was president during the Cuban Missile Crisis, it would have escalated to nuclear, changing not only the war, but the rest of the world for generations to come. In 1960 JFK and a …show more content…

They would do this to avoid a direct war with America which they know they would lose, due to inferior technology and generals. America would then begin to bomb the USSR and tensions would rise even higher. This would cause the Soviet Union to bomb New ORleans which contained a military division ready to invade Cuba. America then would have started a bloody war with the Soviet Union. The war would have resulted in thousands of deaths for both the U.S. and USSR. Although the two countries were both powerful forces the Soviet Union at the time had horrible strategies and generals. Although this improved over time, during the Cold War they were unprepared. Because of this the Soviet Union would have fallen and America would have rained

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