How Did Keith Harding Impact Society

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The thought of making a change through one's own challenges is unrealistic for most individuals. Keith Harding is one of the people in his society that made a change even while he struggled to overcome his own personal obstacles. He accomplished many things on his political agenda but also off his moral agenda. His history and background helped him develop into a successful and progressive part of art culture and society in general. Harding's impact will never be measurable, but he will always be remembered for his contribution to both art and everyday life. While reading, the reader will be able to develop an understanding of how inspirational and impactful Keith Harding really was during his lifetime and in the present art world. Keith Haring was born in …show more content…

He accomplished so much throughout his short-lived lifetime. Many of his accomplishments involve his political agenda but some are honorable moment for him such as when he was asked to paint part of the Berlin wall in 1986. His contributions to society also include him opening a retail store, Pop Shop, that sold many of his merchandise in forms of buttons, shirts, and buttons. Although his life ended before it could really begin, his art and his impact will never be forgotten (Bio Staff,2017). Keith Haring was an artist with a plan to educate and inform society of many issues facing peers among them. He accomplished many things through his lifetime and many of them still are and always will be reminder of his contributions. His life was hard and had many obstacles but that never stopped him from doing what he loved. He died at the age of 31 in his Manhattan home from AIDS- related causes on February 16,1990(Yarrow,1990). Haring lived a life of helping others and pushing for society to have more understanding about social and political

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