How Did John D Rockefeller Corrupt

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Many people see John D. Rockefeller as a great industrialist, which I can't argue with. But he was also a rather corrupt person. In order for him to build a monopoly the way he did, you have to squish some little guys in the process, but he didn't just squish some, he put several rival businesses out of business. Which is where the debate comes up about whether John D. Rockefeller and the Standard Oil company just one giant corrupt system or if John D. Rockefeller and the Standard Oil company was a major point in America's economic history. John D. Rockefeller was born on July 8, 1839 in Richford, New York. His family lived in Richford until he was 14, when they moved to Cleveland, Ohio. Around that time, Rockefeller began to learn the value of a dollar. As a young teen, he had many odd jobs that kept him very busy. He raised turkeys, sold candy and worked for his neighbors. After high school, where he excelled in math, he went on to attend a commercial college. Which is a college that teaches commercial skills,such as bookkeeping. After completing his training to be a bookkeeper, which was only about three months. He went on to work as a bookkeeper for Hewitt & Turtle, a commission merchant and produce shipper. Rockefeller …show more content…

Henry M. Flagler was a grain merchant at the age of 20. Flagler met Rockefeller when he sold grain through Rockefeller's first company, Clark and Rockefeller. Flagler then partnered with Rockefeller to start Standard Oil and was the Director of the New Jersey branch until 1911. Stephen V. Harkness started as an apprentice harness maker from the age 15 until he was 21. But he wanted to do something more business oriented, so he bought a distillery in Ohio, and eventually partnered with Rockefeller. Harkness invested somewhere between $60 and $90 thousand dollars and was basically Rockefeller's right hand man until his

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