How Did Jack Break The Rule In Lord Of The Flies

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We know jack supported Ralph in making lots and lots of rules because he wants to punish anybody who breaks them, the book later shows his interest in having rules was for him to have the power to break it and punish any of the boys who break them and to give more opportunities for the boys to break them, jack is one of the boys who breaks the most rule, he broke the conch rule that make the boys feel civilized, the rule of keeping the fire going all the time so if there is any ship passing by they could see the fire smoke and rescue them, all to have power, please himself and satisfy his need to overthrow ralph, Jack wants to break the rules so he could be free for it, he has lived all his life with rules so why should he do so in this island that nobody knows if he or the boys are alive. In lord of the flies, …show more content…

doink!. Ralph felt the conch lifted from his lap. Jack, left on his feet, looked uncertainty at Ralph, who smiled and patted the log. Jack sat down,” ( page 33, line 27 to 32 ) Jack doesn’t know why Ralph needed rule but in his own way the importance of having rules is for someone to break it and him have the opportunity to punch them but his not following it, he was going to ask Ralph but Ralph just smiled at him, in his own mind it means it was okay for him to punch anybody who breaks it. we know that if jack want something he doesn’t care how he gets it because he is not aware of what he is doing, his needs to break rules and punch those who break rules take control of him and made his savage, he doesn't what the rules of the conch because it gives order and reminds him of civilization, it satisfy his needs of breaking the rules and having control. In the construction of otherness in William Golding’s Lord of the flies by meuronen, Johanna “ Crawford ( 2002; 64) explains that the English society is normative and Jack’s group breaks all the rules with exceeding violence. This violence, nonetheless, marks the shift from democracy to

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