How Did Ho Chi Minh Gain Support

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One efficient strategy that Ho Chi Minh used was his ways of gaining support and compromise. His strategies for gaining support reveal a more moderate position. One example of this was when Ho Chi Minh used quotes for the American Declaration of Independence. The people felt that this proved that Ho Chi Minh’s main drive was securing the “freedom of his people” (Hillstrom 6-7). Even if, some might say that Ho Chi Minh was only trying to gain the support of the United States, the people mostly saw it as a way to get a better compromise out of it. Ho Chi Minh used the quote from the famous American document, “Was it admiration for the ideals of the United States? Only a pragmatic [practical] gesture to enhance his bid for American support? The …show more content…

This quote clearly states that Ho Chi Minh wanted as much support as he could from his people and even Americans. As the Communist leader that he was, he was able to be in between the Russian and Chinese conflicts, offending neither and still retaining the support of both (Kirkpatrick). This shows how good he was in gaining support. Even if the Soviet Union and the United States were against each other, it did not affect their assistance given to Vietnam or to Ho Chi Minh (Kirkpatrick). Later on, after his return to North Vietnam, he became constantly focused on running the Viet Minh (Kirkpatrick). At the Indochinese Communist Party meeting Ho Chi Minh was asked to help run the Viet Minh. The Viet Minh was “a front organization intended to draw the support of Vietnamese people” (Kirkpatrick). Ho Chi Minh did not only gain the support of his people, but helped them realized that they also needed him. Ho Chi Minh’s main determination, was to focused on the well being of others, and whose leadership stirred support of his Vietnamese people on both sides

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