How Did Frank Morris Use A Higher Selling Price For Wheat

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A ¨Deal in Wheat¨ by Frank Morris is a story about Sam and Emma Lewiston, a farming couple living in southwestern Kansas. The price of wheat dropped, so they end up spending more money growing the wheat than they can sell it for, forcing them to give up their farm and move to Chicago to find other work. This narrative gives us a glimpse of the reason behind the wheat´s price drop. Two large companies manipulate the price by selling large amounts of wheat for small and then large prices inconsistently. This piece of literature deals with the issue of the economic market for produce. Frank Morris creates awareness on this issue when he describes the farming couple´s dependency on a higher selling price for wheat. This helps readers understand that it is a significant issue. Morris also creates awareness as he explains the process behind the price fluctuation. Two large companies, headed by Truslow and Hornung, compete against each other and make deals to attempt to force each other out of business, creating an inconsistent market. …show more content…

¨The Great Bear had for once over-reached himself, and, believing himself all-powerful, had hammered the price just the fatal fraction too far down. Wheat had gone to sixty-two--for the time, and under the circumstances, an abnormal price. When the reaction came it was tremendous. Hornung saw his chance, seized it, and in a few months had turned the tables, had cornered the product, and virtually driven the bear clique out of the pit.¨ Morris reacts to Mr. Truslow by repeatedly referring to him as the ¨Great Bear,¨ giving him a negative connotation. The poems ¨Sympathy¨ and ¨We wear the mask,¨ written by Paul Laurence Dunbar, speak of the plight of African-Americans after the Civil

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