How Did Elizabeth I Influence Society

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Queen Elizabeth I was and still is an influence to people everywhere, all across the globe. She carried herself with pride, dignity, and respect for others. Queen Elizabeth I influenced our society by inspiring women to fight back against the constraints of society. She left a footprint because of the modest fashion examples she set, as well as a great influence on the religious practices within her kingdom and even places today. Firstly, Queen Elizabeth I inspired women to not be constrained by society due to their capabilities. Being the one female ruler, Elizabeth got a fair amount of grief for not marrying to continue the royal heir. Phillip wanted to marry Elizabeth because he believed that she needed a masculine assistant to govern. She …show more content…

After pestering by the members, she dramatically took her ring off and proclaimed her marriage to England. She was happy single, the only concern was if she could handle it (Thomas, 95). In the end, it was proved that she would, and this influenced so many men and women to stand out and speak for what they believe in. In addition, Queen Elizabeth I set modest clothing statements for those in her Kingdom. She preferred wearing simple gowns in private, sometimes days at a time. However, when she made public appearances, her wardrobe was sophisticated and elegant. Her maids complimented her, wearing mainly silver and white dresses. Her dresses were in all sorts of colors but she loved black and white clothing. The colors represented virginity and purity (Sharnette). Throughout history, clothing has played a major role in first impressions. Her gowns for the most part were simple, and most definitely modest. She always tried to look her best to represent England in the best manner (Hanson). Queen Elizabeth I went through a lot of pain for her beauty, such as wearing wood and iron framed corsets. She influenced people to think of others before thinking of themselves through her fashion

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