How Did Christopher Mccandless Agree In Into The Wild

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The convictions of Christopher McCandless

Christopher McCandless of Jon Krakauer’s into the wild was a complex character with very strong convictions. Christopher stood very firmly by his beliefs no matter what people thought of him or his ideas. Christopher felt very strongly about social issues and not getting caught up in material wealth, not letting the things you own control your life and how you live it. A quote from Christopher McCandless that shows how strongly he felt about it is. “So many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change their situation because they are conditioned to a life of security, conformity, and conservatism, all of which may appear to give one peace of mind, but in reality nothing is more damaging to the adventurous spirit within a man than a secure future.”

Another example of how Christopher McCandless felt about material wealth and society is when Christopher’s parents …show more content…

He was top of his class and had the grades to get into Harvard law school. he had pretty wealthy parents that wanted to buy him a new car. He had a secure future but he didn’t want that, he didn’t want to conform to society. Christopher had an adventurous side to him and he felt that nothing was more damaging to a man’s adventurous spirit than a secure future. So he gave up everything that he had and worked for and walked into the wild. This really shows how strong Christopher McCandless’s convictions were.

Christopher McCandless had very strong convictions. He believed that society shouldn’t rely on material wealth and a secure future. And when Christopher believed in something he stood very firmly by his beliefs and no one could change his mind about it. This is why Christopher McCandless decided not to continue his education, and rejected his parent’s gift of a new car, and walked away from everything because he didn’t want to be tied down by all of these

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