How Did Charlemagne Influence The Church

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The Carolingian Renaissance had remarkable impact on the history of the Christian Church. Although sometimes it can be an afterthought, the contributions made by Charlemagne and his court are essential to understanding the development of the church. As Europe entered into the Medieval time period directly after the fall of the Roman Empire, areas surrounding the Mediterranean saw a lack of education and literacy. Hence the time period was referred to as the Dark ages, and scholasticism seized to exist. Charlemagne’s court allowed for a rebirth or renaissance because of his focus on education. A renaissance was in order for the church as well. Charlemagne placed a great deal of emphasis on contributing to the church financially as well as politically. Christianity and Charlemagne’s court were heavily linked. As his court flourished, his impacts on the church of the time period were numerous and influential. In many ways, the claim can be made that he was essential in ensuring the survival of the church during the medieval time period. Historians …show more content…

The greatest of these thinkers was Alcuin. Alcuin was known throughout this time period as having one of the greatest minds in Europe. Charlemagne’s desire to create an educated court drove him to seek Alcuin. Alcuin was like all of Charlemagne’s court, Christian. Within Charlemagne’s court, Alcuin became the most notable ecclesiastical advisor. One of Alcuin’s major projects was translation work. The court’s construction of Carolingian miniscule was remarkable for the time period. This development created a dynamic whereby scholasticism was driven by Christianity. Alcuin helped develop a more legible script which was primarily used only for the copying or exposition of religious materials. This legible script allowed for a more uniform standard by which monks could copy the sacred

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