How Did Benin Build A Strong Army

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Benin. As the Oba, he put a strong emphasis on the need of a strong army. An article stated, “under Ewuare’s rule…Benin changed dramatically (US History).” As a civilization, they began to create a powerful military and started expanding their kingdom by winning land from surrounding civilizations. Ewuare was only the first of several great warrior kings, after Ewuare came his son, Ozolua. Oba Ozolua was historically known for being victorious in nearly two hundred battles. After Oba Ozolua came Oba Esigie, Esigie was credited for expanding Benin eastward to help build their empire a take land from the Kingdom of Ife. Both Esigie and Ozolua encouraged trading with Portuguese merchants in order to build a large and technologically advanced

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