How Did Andrew Jackson Change Dbq

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The election of Andrew Jackson as President of the United States changed the customary politics. President Jackson focused on the common man, which was unusual for a president to care more about the common man than the ongoing trend toward a greater voter participation. Jackson’s election was revolutionary because he met a different criteria for president rather than previous presidents, he increased the rules and overall power of the President, also given his popularity for focusing on the common man throughout his term his actions as President did little to nothing to aid the common man. Unlike previous presidents who were well educated and wealthy, Jackson was not well educated nor wealthy. At a young age Jackson enlisted in the Army during …show more content…

The founders of the US left England and other countries because of the region of the Queen and King. The Founding Fathers feared that a monarchy would arise in this “New World.” A person acting as a President could potentially become a monarchy and not represent the people as the role of president should. Rather than a president representing the people, the founding fathers believed that a strong congress could better represent the people. Jackson, however took a different approach to President leading to his revolutionary change in politics. His approach to President was that it was his job as President to reflect the people and actions taken as President should help the American people. Congress to Jackson was a body of higher elitist that do not care about the common man. For the first time the election was the public interest not just for the elite and selective group of people. Even candidates running against Jackson and the selective group of people agreed that Jackson caused a turning point of Presidential elections. Jackson’s strong will to make change led him to using his veto power more than any other previous President. Some of Jackson’s actions included the closing of the second national bank and a removal of the Cherokee Indians after Congress voted to let them stay. Jackson was a common man before becoming President once he got a taste of power he did at some points

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