How Did Amenhotep I Change Egyptian Culture

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Egyptian culture were affected by the conquest of territories populated by peoples of different cultures by only a choice made by King Amenhotep III. The king reigned in 1350-53 BCE. It is said that it was a period of peaceful prosperity, who devoted himself to expanding diplomatic contacts and to extensive building in Egypt and Nubia. Amenhotep III made so many changes and one of them were replacing the chief creator-god of the Egyptians(Amon-Ra) from the center of state worship. It changed the way cultures mixed together from the start of his rulership. Throughout the radical change, years later Amenhotep IV succeeded his father and married through his reigned. Nefertiti became his co-agent. An alternate theory suggests she was a princess …show more content…

In the fifth year of his reign, he displaced Egypt’s chief god Amon in favor of Aton, moved the capitol north to Amarna and changed his name to Akhenaton, with Nefertiti taking on the additional name “Neferneferuaten”—her full name meaning “Beautiful are the beauties of Aten, a Beautiful Woman has come.” Akhenaton's transformation of religion changed in a radical way in artistic conventions. It departed the realistic images of the pharaohs. He was mostly depicted by the way women looked, with extravagant hips and features. Besides his devoted time with Nefertiti, Akheton was so devoted to Aton that he erased all the images of other gods in Amon. He kept this religious idea called monotheism, “the belief of one god only.” He was so endured with Aton because he wanted to undercut the traditional power of Amon. The only person at the rescue was King Tut. He succeeded Akhentaton and stopped him from all the radical changes happening in egypt as well as changes in the laws, images, and Amon. King tut was only eight years old when they pronounced him king, his ruling consisted of bringing back old religion and having Amon-ra

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