How Are Rome And Carthage Similar

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How the governments of Rome and Carthage differed From the very early days of the Republic, Rome’s governing leading institutions constitute in magistracies, Senate, and the popular assembly. They had two consuls and these people were the most powerful magistrates and senior military commanders in times of war (Morey, 1901). These consuls were the leading lawmakers, policymakers, and judges and they can only serve for one year. The Senate was composed of three hundred members and members were part of the aristocracy of Rome. The third element in the government of Rome was the assembly. The assembly constitutes in free adult male Romans, which fulfilled three different functions. Their functions involved in electing the magistrates, approving laws, and deciding major legal cases. …show more content…

The Carthaginian government was composed of two Suffets, a council of elders (or Senate), and an assembly. The heads of state were called Suffets meaning “judges” and they were annually elected from among the most wealthy and influential families and ruled collegially. According to Barry (2017) “Suffets appear to have exercised judicial and executive power, but not military, as generals were chosen by the administration”. The Senate, constitute in the “adirim” or “the great ones” that held the position for life (Cartwright, 2016). Their role was the final supervision of the treasury and foreign affairs. The assembly was composed of male citizens of the city of Carthage. They had the power to vote on issues proposed by the suffets and the councils. In other words, these people pretty much had the last word in case of war or not, if to send additional help or not in case of war, and assigned punishment for commanders that didn’t accomplish their

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