How Are Americans Too Dependent On Technology

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Are Americans too dependent on Technology?

Americans live in a fast paced world where everything is constantly changing and

becoming newer and faster than the things that came before them. Technology is not a bad thing,

it is just something that should not be so heavily relied upon. It is a tool for humans, it should not

use humans as a tool. America has become too dependent on technology, which gives them

instant gratification in terms of work, communication, and entertainment.

Work is an essential part of life. Without work America would not be the country it is

today. The kind of work that built America was true physical work. Today Americans use

technology in place of most physical work. There are machines that now work …show more content…

It has replaced humans in the

workforce and people have become accustomed to having technology do the work for them

Americans have become too dependent on technology for the instant gratification of work.

Humans are social by nature. They want to communicate with people they know. In

America’s culture today communication is ruled by computers and cellular phones. Americans

can connect with people they are not around with just the click of a mouse or the swipe of a

finger, but in this great communication advancement the importance of face to face socialization

has been abandoned. Socialization through technology has now become a quick and almost

menial task. It can be about how rapidly a message can be relayed and responded to, not about

the message itself. The art of communication has been lost in the fast paced effort to keep up

with everyone else. Americans have become too dependent on technology for the instant

gratification of communication.

America is a country driven by the entertainment industry. Television, movies, radios

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