How Aaliyah Became Friends

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I’m going to tell you guys about how me and Aaliyah became friends its an interesting story.. let’s get started. Well it was one Friday night at Hopes highway we were just chillin with our own friends and I was talking to my cousin Michael Maldonado when his little girlfriend Kaylee thought me and him had something going on because she didn’t know we were cousins. Kaylee wanted to confront me but she was scared to so she had Aaliyah do it. So me and Michael were standing there and out of nowhere this random girl came up to us (Aaliyah) she wanted to act big and bad and asked if I knew he had a girlfriend I said “no” because I didn’t know and she said for me to hop off like okay? I wasn’t trying to get with him anyway because that is my family. So when I told her that she was in shock and said “oh really? I’m sorry , I didn’t know”. After all that she was still going around saying she was gonna catch me like girl I’m right here if you wanna do something just do it already. I was good though because she didn’t end up doing anything and it ended up to be a good night. Well, after that night I would see her around but we wouldn’t talk because they still didn’t like me after that. Then, when I seen Aaliyah at the fair I was with her cousin and …show more content…

We went to my house to so she could meet my mom and got my money. We had fun at the movies and everything she wanted me to sleep over but my mom didn’t let me because she didn’t know much about her except that we didn’t like each other. Aaliyah and I just became good friends after the past. Of course people were talking about it because that’s how people are. We laughed about how we didn’t like each other. I was glad we became friends because she is

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