House Of Sand And Fog Essay

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The House of Sand and Fog exemplifies the American Dream from different angles, based on the characters portrayed in the novel. The three main characters have individual concepts of what is meant by the American Dream. Mr. Behrani is an ex-Iranian Colonel with a strong connection to his culture and family values. He wants the best for his family. Kathy is a newly separated women. She has a distant relationship with her family, but is connected by the home left in her possession by her deceased father. Lester has a much diluted sense of values, family and the American Dream. He has a sense of self fulfillment, disregarding the needs of most other people. The characters all want the American Dream, but their definition and method of obtaining the American Dream differ from one another. Mr. Behrani believes the American Dream means providing a good life for his family. In the novel he often speaks of making his wife happy by having a beautiful home, nice car, being able to send his son to the best school and having the appearance of wealth. He works two jobs to ensure he is able to pay for …show more content…

She believes the American Dream means having family and a home. Her beliefs are not negative, but her attitude regarding obtaining these possessions is negative. She tries to obtain a family or a loving relationship and preserve a home by any means necessary. In the novel, she is portrayed as a separated young woman whom is irresponsible and selfish. She willingly pursues a married man in an effort to have someone she can love and someone to love her back. She does not want to be alone or feel lonely. She disregards the wife and children Lester has at home. After Kathy loses her home, she makes poor choices to retrieve her home. She takes the law into her own hands and disregards the feeling and lives of the new owners of the home. Kathy’s actions are unacceptable, but her view of the American Dream is simplistic and

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