Hostess Cake Mistake

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Hostess Cakes Everyone remembers hostess cakes. Especially the Twinkies. For those who grew up with these cake, hearing they baker was closing was a travesty. This popular junk food stretches back over fifty years struggled to keep their doors open, until 2012. Hostess filed bankruptcy for the first time in 2004, because of products and high labor cost (Bethel, 2011). They were able to come out a few years later with outside investors. After coming out of bankruptcy they tried to keep up with how society was changing, by coming up with a low-calorie Twinkie bites. Hostess investors encumbered the company with so much debt. They could not afford new and up to date equipment. Management was partly to blame of their demise. They continued trying to build up the existing products, without coming up with a new one that would provide a higher margin. Management has as much to do with Hostess failing as others that were involved. They should have been able to see that the eating habit of consumers was changing. And began to create a new line, but at the same time keeping the iconic Twinkie. Even though management was to blame. The union worker going on strike played a part. Hostess was not only a company that was not …show more content…

Hedge fund is a private partnership that operates with little to no regulation from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. They played a part in the closing of this operation as well. When the Teamsters agreed to reduce the pay and benefits, the bakery worker’s union vetoed the deal. The workers where warned that if they continued the strike it would result in the closing to the business. Regrettably the union thought the hedge fund would give in and not sacrifice hundreds of jobs, but they were wrong. Ethically they make a wise decision, by being in so much debt they could not afford more. Reduction in pay and benefits for the baker worker would have been better than not having a job all

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