Horror Movie Satire

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The street was silent except for the occasional shrieks and screams that could be heard from the same house they always came from. Three houses down from the corner of Shelberry and Birch St. to be exact. This was obviously nothing new as the noises that came from this house were almost always the same and almost always came at this time of night. The neighbors around here had gotten used to it by now, for they knew that the noise would end early on in the night, as the owner was still respectful to her neighbors and their kids. No one ever worried about about the shrieks and cries for help, because they all knew that no one was in any danger. They all knew that the only one who was in any possible type danger was most likely the pathetic, stereotypical girl or her friends from one of the many horror movies …show more content…

She was probably one of the biggest horror movie fanatics alive. She probably owned, or had at least seen, every horror movie made. From the lowest-rated, kiddie horror movies to the big, Ultra-rated, scariest horror movies made to the remakes and parodies of the classic horror movies, such as the Scary Movie series which, in case you didn't know or have never heard of it, is basically a bunch of parodies of the strong Scream strong movie series. Even though she had seen all of these movies, she always thought that they never felt like enough. She even tried horror stories to see if they were able to fill the void she felt inside herself. They never did though. What she soon came to realize is that what she really wanted to try was to become part of a horror movie. (-- removed HTML --) How amazing she thought that would be; to be able to actually the fear and adrenaline of being hunted down by a mass-murderer. Or maybe having the insane thoughts and ideas of a killer and feel the rush they got when chasing down their next victim, knowing that they could end someone's life

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