Honor System Council Essay

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The Honor System Council is a panel of undergraduate students chosen to take special responsibility for implementing and upholding the Honor System procedures at Stetson University.
Council members inform and educate the DeLand campus about academic integrity through the purpose and provisions of the Honor System. The Council also serves as a jury of peers, which hears student cases regarding alleged violations of the University Honor Code. Should a violation be determined to have occurred, the Council recommends a just and appropriate disciplinary sanction. QUALIFICATIONS

Membership on the Honor System Council is open to undergraduate students in good academic and disciplinary standing, and who …show more content…

1. Why is academic integrity important?

2. What do you believe is the role of the Honor System Council?

3. Why are you interested in serving on the Honor System Council?

4. What is one thing that is going well about the Honor System, or the work of the Council, that should be continued?

5. What is one way in which the Honor System, or the work of the Council, might be improved?


Please list the principal organizations, academic and non-academic, of which you are or have been a member, and offices/positions held:

So far my freshman year, I was chosen to be a member of the J. Ollie Edmunds scholars, I have become a member of Toastmaster’s, and I am an AKPsi Associate member. I also currently work as a licensed Realtor. In high school, I was a team leader for Josiah Venture over two summers where I helped run English camps in Estonia, a two-sport captain, and a member of the Antioch21 Church leadership team. I have also completed trainings with Teenpact and RYLA leadership

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