Homelessness Essay

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When we see someone walks around the street and begs, we often call him “homelessness”. But what exactly “homelessness” means? In dictionary, homelessness means “people who lack permanent housing.” The definition is too general to identify the word “homelessness”. homelessness can be regard as people without house to live on paper. In common sense, homelessness people do not have jobs. They cannot make money and but a house, so they have to sleep on the street. Usually, homelessness can be thought to be the same as bagger. In conclusion, the traditional standard of homelessness is whether the people have a house to live or not. Since the cause of homelessness is various, the mean of homelessness should be more about financial condition, should care more about mental condition, and should become more suitable to the recent situation, so the explanation of the word “homelessness” should be changed.
The explanation of homelessness is not enough to describe the group homelessness. Due to the Merriam-Webster Online, the meaning of homelessness is that “people who lack permanent housing.” The explanation is focus on two main points, which are “permanent” and “housing”. Definitely, it is not the true situation because there are many homeless do have so-call “permanent housing”. They may live in little shelter or someplace else permanently. Are these people homelessness? Of course yes, but they do not fill the requirement which raised by dictionary meaning. Therefore, it is no doubt that there should be more standard to judge a homeless people than just house.
Homelessness is not just about house but one’s financial condition. The common sense is that using financial condition as the standard to determine if a person is homeless or not, ...

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...uring a long time.
In conclusion, the meaning of homelessness in dictionary is too out of style and it should be changed to suit the new situation of homelessness. Because the modern society is more caring about people’s right, the meaning of homelessness is totally changed somehow. homelessness people may have permanent place to live, but not a house. There are various places they may live, but those place are horrible and hard to live in, so financial condition should be take place of the “house” as the standard to judge whether people is a homeless or not. Those people who live in shelter, subway station or other terrible places still should be regard as homelessness, because home is not just a house. It beyonds a shelter but about people’s feeling. Homelessness are the people who lost their place to live, to keep warm, to complete their life, and to rely on.

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