Homeland Security Assessment

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When looking at the process of undertaking a homeland assessment for an organization each stage, it just as critical as the others and each interlock with the other to produce a stable plan of actions for the organization (Masses, O”Neil, & Rollins, 2007). The stage of the leadership evaluating their needs for a homeland security plan by the utilization of the organizational overview to determine is just as relevant to looking at their outside relationships to vendors, buyers, and suppliers for the organization that takes place in the eight steps for successful assessment implementation and manual use (Fisher, 2004). We see in these eight actions that they are also just as essential elements that must be evaluated and hold the same amount of weight in the assessment process. The leadership assessment score, is from the Baldrige Categories, shows us that it results are just as vital as that of the customer and market focus as well as the business results that are produced from the …show more content…

We see that when all elements of the homeland security assessment are correctly implement that it will quickly show the assessment team where they are on the sliding Baldrige Category, such as being at the bottom of the sliding scale at zero-based (Green), in the middle at 50 (yellow), or being at 100 (Red) (Fisher,

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