Homeschooling Vs. Public Education

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A common misconception about homeschooled kids is that they miss out on a lot in life because they are not exposed to the public schooling system. This is false because while public education helps a child to mature educationally and socially, home-schooling allows a child to grow religiously and become more active socially. Given that public schooling does give the child more opportunities to be around children their own age; homeschooling allows the child a more flexible schedule to experience more things outside of a basic public schooling system. Public school systems offer a child a broader amount of educational opportunities than they could receive if they were homeschooled. In the public school systems the child is offered a teacher …show more content…

In a homeschool setting the child has a more personal relationship with the teacher because the teacher is usually their parent or guardian. A common cause in public schools for children who fall behind is the child having a fear of asking the teacher questions or asking for help. Children are afraid to ask for help because they may find it embarrassing to admit that they do not know the subject materiel in front of other students. This fear is eliminated in the homeschool setting because the child feels comfortable talking with their parents, and there is not a chance of them being embarrassed in front a classroom for needing help. Work and lessons can be completed on the student’s time. This prevents the student from becoming stressed with deadlines for projects and due dates for papers. Not having a set schedule also allows the child a more flexible schedule. This is good for children who spend their lives on the road traveling or have extracurricular practices during the day. Having this flexible work schedule prevents the child from having to make up work. If a homeschooled student were to become ill, have a doctor’s appointment, or have a scheduled extra-curricular activity planned, the child would miss nothing and have nothing to make-up because the child plans their lessons around their own time. Having this free time and flexible …show more content…

These complications could make a child solid in his or her religion, but could also cause the child to stumble in his or her religious walk. A child in a homeschooled atmosphere where the parent or tutor is strictly religious could cause the child to miss out on learning opportunities deemed secular. For example, a strictly Christian tutor or guardian could prevent the child from learning the theory of evolution because they see it is blasphemous. A second example is a household that is strictly atheist, where the tutor or guardian could prevent the child from learning the different forms of religion because they view it as unimportant. Public schooling comes with its own set of complications as well, due to the separation of church and state, public school systems cannot allow religious views to be upheld by the schools. This could prevent the child from growing religiously or even cause them to lose their religious views altogether. Not upholding a religion in the public schooling system can also prevent the child from having a view of the different religions that the world has to

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