Home Safety Plumbing

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How often does the average homeowner think about their plumbing? Unfortunately, a problem can cause an emergency before someone thinks about calling a plumbing company. However, some simple weekly home maintenance tips will help protect the plumbing in your home. As discussed in earlier blogs, some easy procedures like pouring boiling water down the drain, along with baking soda and vinegar, will help to keep grease and soap scum from sticking to the sides of the pipes. In addition, if you have a garbage disposal, you can add a cut up lemon to "sweeten" the smell in your kitchen. These simple tips can save the customer money and time, something we could all use a little extra of each.

When is it Time to Call the Plumber?

If you have …show more content…

These leaks could be under kitchen sinks and bathroom sinks. Also, pipes laid underground can burst, which can be problematic over time if not caught early.

Homes built before updated technology often have metal pipes, which over time begin to rust and corrode. With our newer technology, removing old pipes is not always necessary. We have water pipes that fit over the old ones, making installation easier and cheaper than in the past and making the new pipes last for another couple of decades.

On occasion, pipes are clogged too far down to snake them. When this is the case, we have a drain inspection camera that goes down through the pipes until the leaking pipe(s) are located. Many of the older homes were built with grease traps for the kitchen pipes. If they are not cleaned out periodically, this can cause the clog to be further down than possible to see with the naked eye.

Homeowners do not realize that the little five-foot tree they planted by their home will mature and grow up to 30-40 feet tall in another 25 years. The roots of the trees can crush your water and sewer pipes if the roots become intertwined with

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