Holden's Immaturity In Catcher In The Rye

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Holden’s simplistic view of the world and immaturity is relatable to teenagers in today’s world because a lot of them make Holden’s same mistakes to a degree. Immaturity can cause people to push away friends and family as seen in Holden’s journey from Pencey all the way back home. Pushing away the people closest to them will cause children to struggle in the world and give them an overwhelming feeling of loneliness due to society’s current standards.
After being expelled from Pencey, Holden decides to run away. This is a result of loneliness and the feeling that he has no one in his corner with him. Throughout almost the entire book he was alone in some sort of way. In the beginning, when he was at Pencey with Stradlater and Ackley, the only …show more content…

Holden’s case is a good example of what happens when you are all alone. When holden is expelled from Pencey he feels as though there is no one with him, not even his own family, therefore he runs away. He gets so lonely he starts talking to his brother Allie who died years before, which he never really processed properly. This translates to his life at home because he admits that he and Allie were very close. Holden was so upset that he “slept in the garage that night and broke all the windows”(Salinger 39). A death in the family can always be hard, but holden didn’t just lose a brother, he also lost his best …show more content…

Society has standards that makes kids become mindless workers rather than just being a kid. It’s to the point where if you don’t become a doctor or CEO of a big company, you’re a failure. That’s why children, especially in high school, can relate to Catcher in the Rye and Holden’s values. Holden, to a degree, symbolizes what they want to be. They want to write off the rules and society, but they can’t because in the end this is real life and the book is just fiction. The standards set by these children’s schools is much harder than their parents’ schools. The qualifications for jobs are also much harder than before. You have to have at least a college degree just to get a job worth having, and someone with better qualifications than yourself will probably get it, which will still leave you jobless or in your thirties and working at a grocery

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